Universal Pre-K (UPK) In Teller and Park County
Teller Park Early Childhood Council (TPECC) is thrilled to be the Local Coordinating Organization (LCO) for Universal Pre-K (also known as UPK). We will continually be updating this page with opportunities to collaborate and learn. We are determined to ensure that UPK works our way in our catchment area. That means we will strive to make sure that everyone impacted by UPK, including families, early care and education providers, community partners, government, and local organizations, has a voice–and say–in how UPK plays out in Teller & Park Counties.
Community Discussions:
Attend one or all our Community Planning Discussions.
Aug. 12, 2022, Fairplay Edith Teter Elementary School
Sept. 1, 2022, Woodland Park Public Library
Oct. 6, 2022, Florissant Public Library
Oct. 11th, 2022, Virtual https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81091546088?pwd=RGtzem1YWElJd2lWQW9MT3FKVDhmZz09
For more information call 719-659-3313 or email coordinator@tellerparkecc.org
FOR FAMILIES: Universal Preschool is coming in the Fall of 2023. All Colorado children in their pre-kindergarten year will be eligible for 10 hours of free preschool per week. How is this going to work? We want to hear from you! Please join us for our family-focused discussion on Nov. ???
What is Universal Pre-K (UPK)?
10 hours a week of free, high-quality, voluntary preschool to every Colorado child in their year before entering kindergarten.
Allows families to choose the right setting for their child, whether it is in a licensed community-based, school-based or home-based preschool setting. A result of the voter-approved Proposition EE Launches in 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year
Will UPK have a universal application?
Yes! The UPK application will initially be available in English, Spanish and Arabic.
The UPK application will be ready in January to support enrollment.
As a parent, is there anything I can do now to prepare for the UPK application?
Yes, make sure you have a copy (PDF, digital, photocopy, etc.) of your child’s birth certificate. You will need this to register your child for UPK.